Petromaster provides independent specialist thermography services to businesses across Saudi Arabia & the GCC region. Our proven inspection and assessment processes prevent breakdowns, downtime, potential loss of earnings and property loss, and in many cases identify problems not found using traditional inspection techniques. Regular thermography inspections of your electrical assets allow us to identify electrical faults before their failure becomes a costly concern for your business.
Our Thermographers are highly trained technicians with high qualifications and are based in Saudi Arabia to provide support at short notice.
In Infrared Thermography, we use temperature as a parameter to monitor the condition of any machine in operating condition. Petromaster has certified Analysts in its services squad to provide the services of Infrared Thermography to the relevant industry. To take a thermal image there is no need to stop your machine.
We can also use Infrared Thermography to survey your insulated systems to identify hot or cold spots in your insulation, bulges within your boilers water wall tubes, and specialized Infrared Thermography for your furnace tubes.

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