Petromaster is an authorized licensee for UTComp and UltraAnalytics technology, for non-destructive evaluation system for non- metallics in Ksa and Middle East. Petromaster has been providing this state-of-the-art Inspection technology for Non-Metallic Composite materials (FRP/GRP) since 2018. UltraAnalytics by UTComp is the only proven nondestructive, non-intrusive evaluation method for safe, reliable, cost-effective testing of FRP and other composite material assets.
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have been used successfully for decades as a safe, cost-effective alternative to metals for making vessels, tanks and piping that store and transport corrosive materials in a variety of industries. However, a longstanding barrier to even more widespread use of FRP has been the lack of a proven non-destructive testing (NDT) methodology for assessing the Fitness for Service of FRP equipment.
While standards and codes for FRP design and construction consider the unique properties of these amazing materials, standards for inspection of in-service FRP lag behind. Current standards tend to impose requirements for inspecting metal equipment and nothing about metal is the same as FRP. Or they’re based upon the properties of the new FRP and don’t account for the impact of service conditions on the material. As a result, available standards and codes provide little guidance for inspectors to help them understand the damage that can be expected once FRP equipment is in operational service.
UltraAnalytics NDT is more than conventional ultrasonic thickness testing. Innovative postprocessing of the raw ultrasonic data with a proprietary algorithm pinpoints changes to the asset condition that are invisible to the human eye. Comprehensive reporting includes a detailed overview of the asset condition, an estimate of the remaining service life, plus additional recommendations to ensure safe performance and avoid unnecessary replacement costs.
Quantitative tools for FRP Assessment
In 2023, the Welding Research Council (WRC) published the second edition of WRC Bulletin 601, “Assessment of Existing Fiber Reinforced Polymer Equipment for Structural Damage,” WRC-601 provides the technical basis for FRP assessment techniques including attenuation-based ultrasound (UAX). UltraAnalytics® NDT is a patented, non-destructive, non-intrusive UAX-based system developed Fitness For Service assessment of in-service FRP assets.
In general, steel loses thickness over time due to corrosion, but not strength; FRP won’t usually lose thickness but will lose stiffness and strength in ways that until recently were difficult to measure without destructive testing. With FRP, the condition of the polymer limits the lifespan of the equipment. But as there are currently no codes or standards that apply to FRP assessment, there are no handy strength and thickness allowances stamped on equipment.
With FRP composites, each material component has different mechanical properties in different directions.
Bending stiffness drops off a lot more significantly than the tensile properties. That’s because stiffness is governed by the polymer or the resin.
Technology comparison
UltraAnalytix NDT is suitable for all composite materials including:
- Fiber-reinforced plastic / polymers (FRP)
- Carbon fiber
- Dual laminate
- High-density polyethylene (HDPE)
- Polypropylene
- Chemical Processing
- Mineral Processing
- Oil & Gas
- Water & Wastewater
- Wind Energy
- Pulp & Paper
- Food Processing
- Infrastructure
- Quality Assurance
- And Many Others
Contact us for further information at info@petromaster-sa.com